How often do we bump into each other in everyday life and later no longer know where the bruise on the arm came from or go from A to B and do not really know how we got there because we have in the meantime left the presence with the actual physical movement.
Do you have thoughts of doubt, uncertainty, feel strained, under tension, aggressive or nervous?
Your head has a life of its own and you feel cut off, in the truest sense of the word, from your body?
You may even hate this body that somehow always doesn't want it the way you want it to.
Our mind is happy to take over and determine where to go. The body has to serve it subordinately, regardless of whether the food or the thoughts are good for it, or the movement we choose actually honors it. Our body is the true intelligence and the face-to-face training helps it to regain the attention it deserves.
In the moment when our mind is one with our body - that is, in absolute presence with what we are doing - there are no insecurities, no confused thoughts, doubts or any reactions. The moment is everything and has my full attention. A silence occupies a space that is reminiscent of the feeling of an eternal expanse, which defines a river into which we only have to surrender, since it always exists.
Everything is easy. Nothing has to be done and we know exactly what is needed when and at what time. This state has nothing withdrawn or is only part of special people.
No, each of us can move into this form of presence and space.
It is always on offer.
Would you like to train your presence in everyday life and activate the power and simplicity of this movement?
Face-to-face training is offered both live and online.